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Sunday, 23 August 2015

Day 235 of 365 Day Challenge

As usually we spent our first day yesterday in Singapore walking ourselves to death. I should know by now that if my husband says the restaurant we are going to for supper is not far away, I'm in for a 45 minute walk - and that's after a full day of walking! 20 years ago I wouldn't have battered an eyelid but these days I'm probably looking at hip replacement!

So it's not surprising that when we woke up this morning he said I was looking a bit of a wreck. We decided on a nice peaceful day at the Singapore Botanic Gardens, with the Orchid Garden the highlight, one of our favourite places. And guess what, the taxi ride of 8 Singapore dollars each way was the best money we have ever spent.

I decided to make it a macro day as a bit of a challenge. I did take some ordinary shots but it was mainly macro with my iPhone Olloclip macro lens. I think what surprised me more than anything was that when I go macro in Hong Kong I enter the world of lots of little insects but here I found virtually none. I wondered whether it might be due to insecticides to keep the flowers in such pristine condition - who knows?

So another difficult choice for today's photo. I'm down to 8, but in the end it has to be the centre of a small orchid and the lovely green glow of the the petals. Enjoy a couple of my other favourites.

All taken with Hipstamatic on the iPhone. No edits apart from some that were rotated and the addition of the copyright in the Marksta app.

This one came a very close second:
Looking at this little flower below with the human eye, it looked a boring grey colour. We were both gobsmacked at the colours that emerged at macro level:

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