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Monday 16 March 2015

Day 75 of 365 Day Challenge

I am in Cambodia at the moment so have been a little behind in my posts. This is another fascinating country and the Angkor Temples have been astonishing. On the first day we got ourselves settled in and took a tuk tuk drive into the city. What scares me in these countries is how precariously children are carried on the available forms of transport so today's photo reflects that as well as a picture of the kind of tuk tuk that got us around.

I cropped and tuned the picture in Snapseed and saved it. I converted it to black and white still in Snapseed and then added a blur in iColorama. I then took this into Superimpose as the background. I brought in the coloured version and masked out the background leaving the mother, child and bike in colour and the rest grey. Finally I took this into Stackables and applied one of my own formulas.

Apps: Camera+, Snapseed, iColorama, Superimpose, Stackables.

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