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Friday, 5 December 2014

Dog Lovers

I'm a real sucker when it comes to taking pictures of dogs. I was sitting outside a trendy cafe today and next to me was a lovely French lady with her two dogs but I didn't realise when I first sat down that it was going to be such a great location.

This was because anybody walking past who was a dog lover couldn't resist smiling at her lovely boxer and the little chap wrapped in a blanket on the chair. I asked her if she would mind if I took a picture of her dogs and whipped up this quick dog portrait for her in iColorama:

'Animal Attraction'
In the meantime I propped up my iPad on a reading stand and managed to catch some great pictures of passers by. I incorporated some of the ladies to create this picture. The apps I used were Procamera, Snapseed, Superimpose, Laminar Pro and iColorama.

Animal Attraction

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