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Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Variations on the Same Flower

When I do a manipulation of a photograph I do lots of versions.  As I have said before, sometimes I think the first one I do is really good and then I go on and do more and more things to it and I save lots of versions and by the end I usually find that I no longer like my first one because the others are better. Don't stop when you think you have a good manipulation - save it and keep going.

Here are a couple of versions of a flower I was messing about with today. Which one do you like? Send me a comment - I'd love to know!





Sunday, 20 April 2014

Friday, 11 April 2014

Hong Kong

I haven't posted much lately and that's because I have had a huge upheaval.  I am now living with my hubby in Hong Kong!  Wow.  Didn't think I would be saying that a year ago.  The big question is will I find all my art supplies here and what will this year bring with it.  All very exciting, all very unknown.

Sitting in my hotel room I'm tinkering with some old beach scenes.  Not my best but quite fun.